Last night I was bounding down the stairs, skipping really, filled with glee brought on by scoring 100% singing "Eye of the Tiger" on Rock Band. Maybe I was drunk with success; maybe I was high on Japanese candy and baked brie (a typical midnight snack). Either way the distractions caused me to miss the last step on a flight of stairs.
Lucky for me my husband heard my wails and rushed to my aide. Lucky for me the crunching sound I heard wasn't my ankle snapping directly in two as I predicted before I looked down at my foot. Lucky for me I have a husband, I don't work outside the home and my son is able to walk. Lucky, lucky, lucky...
So as it turns out I have what's called a Lisfranc injury... this is apparently the sort of thing people get when they survive a 2 story fall or a plane crash. Saturday I will have an MRI and CT scan to determine the extent of the damage. Please hope along with me that surgery isn't the prescription.
This is also of course my RIGHT foot. So I can’t drive. Greater that the fear of surgery is the concern that I will not be able to go to Target alone for a very long time. I like going to Target… and I like going there without husband and child.
My new slogan; “it is what it is”… I have said it about a hundred times today. I am still looking for the sliver lining in this cloud. Maybe I will get some reading done, pick up my knitting again or start blogging more.
oh my heck!! I'm so sorry! I hope that you heal quickly and don't need to have any surgery....
Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh...that looks awful!!
oh nos! I am sending very non-surgical thoughts your way!
I will drive you to Target, no-one should have to go for an extended period of time without Target.
Wishing you are feeling a little better today.
~ Gabriela ~
Yipes! That looks painful! I hope that you have a miraculous healing and are able to drive again much sooner than expected.
OOOOOH I can so sympathise!I sit right now with my left foot in an air cast from two cracked bones in my foot!Most of my falls i can just strap up by myself but this one made me nauseous everytime i lifted my head so i got a trip in an ambulance.The week before i was lucky enough to land on my knee istead of my foot LOL.
Sarah!!! I'm so sorry! Hoping for a speedy, pain-free recovery for you!
Wow, that's some serious injury! I hope you heal soon without surgery! And congrats on eye of the tiger! Hope you're "back on your feet" soon!
No Target!! That's a disaster (oh and I'm sorry about your foot too) I go to Target nearly every day. It's awful, I probably need a 12 step program.
Sorry to hear about your fall. I will pray for no surgery.
OMG Sarah! I hope you get better real quick. I hope surgery is not needed!!!
So sorry to hear about your accident. As a very clumsy person, I can sympathize with your plight. Hopefully it's a soft tissue injury and won't require surgery. Here's hoping for a very fast recovery. I know Target will miss you - lol
OMG sarah this looks awful and I'm sure it doesn't feel much better. I think you've found your silver lining - Hubby and boy. Time to put Andy to work as mommies little fetcher. if there is anything I can do let me know.
We're so sad that you're hurting and we're praying for non-surgical results from your MRI and CT Scan. You don't want to do Disney World in a wheelchair, even if it would put us to the front of the lines! Get better soon and don't you dare have that complicated thing with your foot. Too much trouble for a young mom! Love you, PJ
Oh my goodness! I hope you haven't broken anything. Ouchie!! You could host some fun contests sitting there lol. One day I missed all the stairs of the front porch as I rushed too fast off to school half asleep, landed on the cement slab on both knees...luckily just off my legs for about a week with water on the knees and bruising! Get well soon.
I frequently too and end up with injuries. My problem is that I am a klutz. I sure hope that you do not have to have surgey. I hope your not in too much pain either.
SOMEONE needs to rescue you and take you to target ....alone. I am the same way - can't go with kids or husband...no way. No can do. I'm sorry you hurt your foot!! I hope you are better soon. If not, let us know and we'll put an APB on getting you a discreet ride out to the nearest Tarjay!
Poor Sarah! That is one nasty looking Boo-Boo~ouch! Enjoy that silver lining down-time that you talked about...
so glad you don't have to have surgery!!!
as I said...no donuts in the wheelchair!! you may just hurt something else!!
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